Wearable devices (wearables) are a rich source of health-related data that can help accelerate study timelines, reduce participant burden, generate novel insights, and make faster, better-informed clinical decisions based on high-quality, real-world evidence.

The use of wearables in real-world studies has seen significant growth, with analysts predicting that 70% of clinical trials will incorporate wearable devices by 2025. Clinicaltrials.gov reports approximately 1,500 trials currently using wearables, with over 700 completed as of August 2023.

Commercial-grade wearables have the potential to transform clinical trials, enabling efficient and cost-effective remote monitoring. They have been successfully used to monitor wearing-off symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease patients and have shown excellent accuracy compared to gold standards in cardiovascular disease assessment.

But how do you select a wearable, which measurements should you choose, and how do you go about operationalising a study using wearables?

Aparito has gained valuable experience implementing consumer wearables in global studies and understanding both the opportunities and challenges they present.

In this white paper, we share:

  1. our work utilising commercial-grade wearables in global studies with 3000 patients enrolled across two dozen countries spanning EMEA, AMER and APAC
  2. the myriad choices one must navigate to select the right wearable device considering factors such as data accuracy, device compatibility, and participant acceptance
  3. what’s next for wearable devices in clinical trials of the future?

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