Aparito are pleased to be sharing the latest research from our rare disease pipeline with the expert scientific community at the WORLDSymposium™ – on February 11th & 12th.

Five posters are being presented in collaboration with Prevail Therapeutics, Kantar Health, The International Gaucher Alliance (IGA) and several independent consultants.

February 11, 2:30 – 3:30pm EST (7:30 – 8:30 GMT)

Lysosomal DisorderPoster NumberAbstract TitleAuthors
Gaucher disease (GD) (types 1 and neuronopathic (nGD)
Late Onset
Tay- Sachs (LOTS)
Niemann Pick disease – type C (NP-C)
50‘Decentralised convenience: Digitised clinical assessment for impaired ambulation.’Daniel Lewi,
Elin Haf Davies & Obuchinezia Anyanwu (Aparito)
Lysosomal Storage Disorders – Gaucher Disease (GD2)51‘Assessing paediatric feeding in lysosomal diseases using remote smartphone video technology.’EH Davies (Aparito)
EA Yousef (Prevail Therapeutics)
R Howarth (Speech/Language Therapist – Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital )
Gaucher disease (GD) (types 1 and neuronopathic (nGD)
Late Onset
Tay-Sachs (LOTS)
Niemann Pick disease – type C (NP-C)
MPSIII Sanfilippo
Pompe Disease
Gaucher disease (Type 2)
137‘Aparito’s six-year journey in lysosomal disorders.’Daniel Lewi,
Elin Haf Davies & Obuchinezia Anyanwu (Aparito)
Lysosomal Storage Disorders138‘The new normal: Smartphone technology and its impact on the logistics of healthcare.’Daniel Lewi,
Elin Haf Davies & Obuchinezia Anyanwu (Aparito)

February 12, 2:30 – 3:30pm EST (7:30 – 8:30 GMT)

Lysosomal DisorderPoster NumberAbstract TitleAuthors
Neuronopathic Gaucher disease – Gaucher Disease – Type 2 and Type 3LB-08‘Development of quality of life measures in neuronopathic Gaucher disease: Qualitative research findings’ –D Elstein (independent consultant)
T Collin-Histed, M Collin (International Gaucher Alliance)
E H Davies (Aparito)
D Jaffe , M Fronstin, G Wayser, K Beusterien (Kantar Health)